Center Floor; At the Barre
Lunges are mostly Sagittal, but can be combined with exercises on the Frontal or Transverse Planes of Motion. Traditionally, Lunges are performed at the barre, but if the class leans more toward a Yoga Fusion, the Crescent Lunge Series can be center floor. Exercises can focus on lower body or incorporate upper body and weights or props can be used for resistance.
Lunge Exercises
Proposal Lunge (Front View)
Proposal Lunge (Side View)
Lunge at the Barre
Crescent Lunge
Yoga Variation. Straight back leg with focus on hip flexor stretch
Cardio Burst that combines well with Lunge Series. Back foot taps back and then knee drives forward repeatedly.
Ski Slope Lunge
Back foot on Gliding Disc. Variations: Straight back leg as you glide back and rise up; Bent knee lunge and rise up; or Repeaters with glider.
Revolved Lunge
Revolved Lunge Variation
Lunge Prayer Twist. Elbow outside thigh. Option to open arms to add chest expansion.
Revolved Low Lunge
Revolved Lunge Variation
Lunge with Chest Expansion
Lunge with Calf Lengthening
Lunge forward. Drop back heel to ground and hinge at hips.
Side Lunge
Side Lunge with Gliding Disc
Diagonal Lunges
High Knee
Lunges combine well with high knees whether driving the knee up, adding a jump or combining with a hamstring curl, as in “Rocking Horse”.
Hamstring Curl
Hamstring Curls combine well with “Rocking Horse,” or high knee to hamstring curl as part of a Cardio Burst in a Lunge Series.